On aurait bien aimer y lire 2009- 2010 / We would like to read 2009-2010

On aurait bien aimer y lire 2009- 2010 / We would like to read 2009-2010

Ontario, english

Last stage before the finale sprint! Everybody had said to us how long the Ontario is but nobody had said to us that it would be part of our most memorable landscapes. The ride was harder than the one in the Rockies, the road rises and goes down non-stop, that changed from the meadows! There were hundreds of lakes, colours of blue and green all around and full of animals, it was magnificent! We found lots of great spots to spend the night there, the rest area was very well situated. The temperature was so clement that we were even able to refresh ourselves in the lakes, even in Lake Superior, in May! Rather that frechen up felt soooo good!!! REFRESHING!!!! The northeast of Ontario is mostly nature itself, cities and villages are very few and the population is limited. It was thus necessary to plan our food reserves. We met nice people in Thunder Bay and in Sault-Ste-marie and then we went south for Manitoulin Island. That was supposed to be extraordinary but... Furthermore that was the most dangerous road of all journey, the shoulder's roadway was absent and the Ontarian drivers did not pay atention to the cyclists. It was'nt that great but we kept our intention in mind: to see the Niagara Falls, which I (Emilie) had never seen. Very touristic, but it was great. Reminding Montmorency Falls sightseeing in Quebec, which one is so high, the Niagara's are impressive because the falls are very wide and the flow of water is there really impressive in size. Then, less than 500 km to reach Quebec! We made a very pleasant stop in Ottawa at our friend's place Aïsha and Mike. we took advantage of it to visit the city. And...That was almost the end.

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